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FitOn HealthDecember 073 min read

How to Support Positive Nutrition at Work to Optimize Employee Health

Healthy eating is one of the foundations of optimal health, and prioritizing a healthy diet isn’t only important for supporting health and wellness. As it turns out, certain foods and dietary choices affect overall energy levels and productivity. In fact, a research study found that higher fruit and vegetable consumption can support greater overall well-being and creativity.  On the other hand, studies suggest that unhealthy eating habits can result in lower productivity and, of course, increased health risks. 

As an employer, you can support positive nutritional habits among your team and help remove any potential obstacles that may be getting in their way when it comes to healthy eating at work. From hosting fun and educational lunch and learns to offering corporate wellness programs, find out how to help your team harness the power of nutrition to thrive both inside and outside of the workplace.  

Nutrition is Medicine: How to Encourage Employees to Use The Power of Nutrition to Be Their Healthiest

#1 Make Healthy Breakfast Options Easy For The Busy Employee 

Let’s face it — many employees may be too busy to make a nourishing breakfast each morning. There’s a good chance that some of your team members may be skipping breakfast altogether. 

As an employer, consider making healthy breakfast options easily accessible at the office. This could look like stocking the company kitchen with easy desk-friendly options like oatmeal cups or stocking the fridge with some store-bought egg muffins, Greek yogurt, and fruit. 

fruits and veggies

#2 Keep Office Snacks Nutritious 

Making healthier snack options available at work is an easy way to show your team that you care about their health. Consider keeping office-friendly snacks readily available, such as trail mix, Greek yogurt cups, and fresh fruit. These nourishing and energizing foods will help keep your team fueled and feeling good! 

#3 Have a Monthly Lunch & Learn 

A fun way to encourage healthy eating habits in the workplace is to host a monthly lunch and learn. Have the event catered by a healthy local restaurant and then invite a Nutritionist or Dietitian in to give a talk. 

Consider inviting interested employees to take a poll to see what specific topics they would like to learn more about. This will help give you more direction as to who to bring in to speak. 

#4 Host a Food Truck Friday 

If space allows, consider hosting a food truck Friday. Have local healthy food trucks come during the lunch hour where employees can enjoy a grab-and-go meal with a healthy twist. It’s a creative way to show your team that you care about their health while offering them a fun way to enjoy their lunch break. 

#5 Offer Nutrition Education Courses to Employees

If you are looking for simple ways to provide support for your employee's overall well-being, consider offering nutrition education to your team. This is the ultimate way to help interested employees learn about how to make healthy eating achievable. 

FitOn courses are ideal for sharing with your workplace. From The Mindful Eater to Healthy Eating 101, these courses make great employee gifts to recognize their hard work while also supporting them in living a healthy lifestyle. 

FitOn courses are also great to offer your virtual team members, as employees can take these courses on their own time. 

#6 Host a Company-Wide Cooking Class 

For your next team-building experience, consider hosting a company-wide cooking class. You could bring a Nutritionist or Chef in to teach about how to make healthy eating achievable through meal prepping. Helping your busy employees learn how to meal prep is a great way to help support healthy nutritional habits that could benefit them far outside of work. 

Make Your Workplace Healthy-Eating Friendly 

Set your company apart by making healthy eating accessible in the workplace. You can start small or go big! Whatever positive changes you implement, you’ll create a more productive and energized work culture and support your team's health and well-being at the same time.