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Don’t be a band-aid for mental health

Get to the root causes of mental health and well-being to truly support your people. 

Don’t be a band-aid for mental health

Get to the root causes of mental health and well-being to truly support your people. 


The rise of mental health issues

More than 50 million Americans face mental health issues a year - a large percentage of those people go without treatment. And it's not just about those individuals. There’s a ripple effect across the professional landscape impacting members.

An estimated 1 million workers are absent every day because of stress. Between absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, and increased medical costs, the total economic impact of stress to U.S. employers reaches nearly $300 billion.

The solution isn’t an easy fix. It requires a holistic approach to mental health and well-being that digs deep to consistently address core issues impacting mental health.

Americans Face Mental Health Issues

3 Key strategies for supporting mental health and well-being

cognition_24dp_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24Prioritize Mental Health Benefits:Invest in mental health services and resources, including counseling, therapy, and crisis intervention, ensuring that members have access to the support they need when they need it.
diversity_1_24dp_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24Foster Social Connection:Organize social events, activities, and peer support groups to foster social connections and combat loneliness and isolation, promoting mental well-being and resilience.
self_improvement_24dp_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24Encourage Self-Care Practices:Promote self-care practices such as mindfulness, meditation, exercise, and healthy eating, providing resources and encouragement for individuals to prioritize their mental and physical well-being.

Cultivate lasting mental health and well-being

FitOn Health’s comprehensive solution offers mental health support for everything from daily stressors to life-long conditions, to help your people reach their goals.

By investing in a mental health solution, employers and health plans can reduce problems like lower productivity, absenteeism, and costly healthcare expenses linked to untreated mental health issues.

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Self-care starts here:
For you and your members

workoutsGet moving to meet goalsJoin millions of members making mindfulness a part of their everyday life with workouts, challenges, and community support
STRESS (1)Let go of stressAccess mindfulness content and meditation guides on everything from stress to resilience
nutitional copy 2 (1)Build healthy eating habitsDiscover how nutrition and health play an important role in mental well-being with expert guidance

Explore FitOn Health's holistic solution today
to see the difference

Explore FitOn Health's holistic solution today to see the difference

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