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FitOn HealthJune 30

Young People Want A Sustainable, Digital Workplace

The Need for Sustainable Practices in the Workplace

Sustainability extends beyond environmental stewardship for the younger workforce. It includes economic and social equity, decent work conditions, equality, and ethical business practices. However, the environmental aspect is especially pertinent when discussing digital workplaces. A Nielsen study found that 73% of millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability.

Digital workplaces directly cater to this sustainability demand. Firstly, they lower the demand for physical infrastructure, reducing the use of resources such as electricity, water, and construction materials. Furthermore, digitizing tasks minimizes paper use, thereby decreasing waste.

Secondly, digital workplaces enable remote work, leading to fewer people commuting daily. This contributes to a reduction in carbon emissions, a central environmental sustainability goal. Global Workplace Analytics estimates that if those with compatible jobs and a desire to work from home did so half the time, the greenhouse gas reduction would be equivalent to taking the entire workforce of New York State off the road.

This strong link between digital workplaces and sustainability is so significant that many young workers are willing to make personal sacrifices. In a survey by Fast Company, nearly 40% of millennials said they've chosen a job because of company sustainability, and almost a quarter of them have accepted a pay cut to work at a sustainable company.

Understanding the Young Workforce

Many of us belong to a rising generation of tech-savvy, sustainability and employee experience-minded talent. 2021 research showed that nearly 30% of the workforce in the U.S. comprised these workers. We are individuals adept in digital technology, prioritizing flexibility and sustainability in our work environments more than our older counterparts. We view an 'employee experience' not as an abstract corporate slogan but as a tangible reality directly affecting job satisfaction and productivity. Something corporate leads should take seriously if they'd like to increase retention in the modern workplace.

The idea of a digital workplace is not alien to young workers. They understand it as an ecosystem where technology and business processes intersect, promoting a seamless work experience that is not bound by physical premises. A survey conducted by Deloitte revealed that 65% of millennials prefer to work for employers offering flexible digital workplaces.

The reasons behind this preference are multifold. Digital tools and apps, such as Microsoft Teams or Google Workspace, allow them to enhance their productivity, work collaboratively with teams spread across geographies, and experience a work-life balance that was previously unattainable. More and more, employers prefer the flexible workplace options to give them greater control over their life, their fitness and their mental health and well-being. Furthermore, these digital solutions expand the employee experience and directly contribute to the satisfaction and engagement of young workers. Remote employees, in turn, and by all accounts, are happier and more productive.

The Rise of Hybrid Work and its Significance

Hybrid workplace arrangements—part remote, part in-office—symbolizes hybrid work, the preferred mode of working for many young workers post-pandemic. Hybrid work embodies the essence of digital workplaces and aligns with sustainability goals. A digitally enabled hybrid model allows workers to work from anywhere, reducing commute frequency. This plays a critical role in reducing carbon emissions and air pollution. According to the aforementioned study by Global Workplace Analytics, a significant reduction in greenhouse gases could be achieved by a shift to hybrid work.

Furthermore, hybrid work can significantly reduce the demand for physical office space, promoting better utilization of resources and contributing to economic sustainability.

The Role of Employers in Building a Sustainable,  Successful Digital Workplace

Employers have a crucial role in synchronizing the digital workplace with sustainability goals. Firstly, investing in cloud-based digital solutions can reduce the need for energy-intensive on-site servers.

Implementing digital practices such as online onboarding and training can further reduce paper use. Enabling employees to work from anywhere through digital tools and platforms directly reduces carbon emissions.

Organizations should also consider sustainable procurement for their digital tools. For instance, choosing software providers who run their data centers on renewable energy can make a significant difference.

Moreover, fostering a culture that encourages sustainability, such as educating employees about energy conservation and implementing digital recycling initiatives, can be an effective strategy.

By aligning digital transformation with sustainability goals, organizations can create a work environment that is efficient, flexible, responsible, and future-proof. This harmonious integration is a major draw for young talent and is beneficial to the overall well-being of the planet, making it a win-win situation for all.

Overcoming Challenges in Transitioning to a Digital, Sustainable Workplace

Transitioning to a digital and sustainable workplace might pose challenges, including resistance to change, budget constraints, and a lack of technical expertise. Overcoming these obstacles is essential to attracting and retaining young workers, who are increasingly attracted to employers prioritizing sustainability and digital transformation.

Resistance to Change

Change can be daunting, especially for those accustomed to traditional ways of working. Leaders need to articulate the benefits of a digital, sustainable workplace to manage this transition effectively. By emphasizing impacts on individual productivity, work-life balance, and global sustainability efforts, they can help employees understand the value of the transition and actively participate in the change process.

Budget Constraints

Initial investments in digital workplace solutions and sustainable practices can be substantial, potentially deterring some organizations. However, these costs should be viewed as long-term investments that can lead to enhanced operational efficiency, productivity, and resource conservation, resulting in cost savings over time. Moreover, attracting and retaining innovative, tech-savvy young talent can result in significant financial benefits in the long run.

Lack of Technical Expertise

Not all organizations possess the in-house skills to implement and manage digital workplace solutions. This can be mitigated by partnering with external experts or investing in employee training and development. The acquisition of these technical skills benefits the organization and enhances the workforce's future employability in an increasingly digital world.

Despite these challenges, a strategic and gradual approach can lead to a successful transformation. Starting with easy-to-implement solutions, fostering a learning culture, and promoting adaptability are key components of this journey.


The traditional workplace is undergoing a significant metamorphosis, driven primarily by the expectations and desires of the younger generation of workers. They're the digital natives, deeply embedded in the digital world, and have a heightened sense of awareness about environmental sustainability. As such, they're calling for a radical shift from the traditional work environment to a digitally enabled and environmentally sustainable one.

The demands of this demographic aren't whimsical; they're rooted in their lived experiences and anticipation of future needs. Digital and sustainable workplaces promise flexibility, better work-life balance, decreased commute times, and a reduced environmental footprint. All these aspects are highly appealing to the younger workers.

The role of employers in this transition is crucial. By aligning their digital transformation strategy with sustainability goals, employers can build workplaces that resonate with the values and preferences of younger workers. This alignment is a strategy to attract and retain talent and a means of contributing positively to the global sustainability movement.

The transition from traditional to digital and sustainable workplaces is fraught with challenges. There can be resistance from those accustomed to the traditional way of working, budgetary constraints might limit initial investments, and there may be a gap in the required technical expertise. However, these challenges aren't insurmountable. These challenges can be effectively managed with a thoughtful approach that includes effective communication about the change, viewing initial costs as long-term investments, and boosting technical capabilities.

This isn't a transition that can be achieved overnight. It will require a progressive approach, starting with small, manageable steps, and gradually addressing more complex aspects. The transformation can be smoother and more effective by fostering a learning culture, promoting adaptability, and engaging employees in the transition process.

As the future unfolds, it is clear that more organizations will need to respond to the call of younger workers. The future of work looks set to be increasingly digital and sustainable. The journey may have its challenges, but the destination is promising - a future workplace that is more in tune with the needs of its workers and the planet. The changing tides indicate this promising future; many sustainable, and young workers are ready to ride the wave. They're not just ready; they're eagerly awaiting it.

As we navigate this era of change, one thing is for sure: the future of work is digital, it's sustainable, and it's already here.

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